We exist to help
people to become
successful and happy disciples of god's kingdom
ABOUT Kobus Theron's ministry
Dr Kobus Theron is an apostolic Minister of God functioning and serving humanity mainly as:
A Preacher, Teacher and Motivational Speaker,
A Leadership and Management Advisor,
A Kingdom Culture Trainer,
A GEM (God Engaging Meeting) Facilitator,
A Soul-winning Specialist,
An Author of Kingdom Disciple-making Books and Training Seminars.
The Apostolic Visionary Leader of the GK1 Leaders Alliance.
The Apostolic Visionary Leader of GK1 Church, Cape Town.

Mission & objectives
His main life mission and purpose is to HELP as many people as possible to become successful and happy Disciples of God
and His kingdom.
His Major Ministry Service Objectives are:
Kingdom Living revealed to every person.
Every person a born-again child of God.
Every person a mature disciple of God.
Every child of God successful and happy in every area of their lives.
Every church a successful, disciple-making, kingdom living church.
Every secular organization a successful kingdom living organization.
Every community a safe, peaceful and prosperous kingdom living community.
A 'kingdomised' world.