
Dr Kobus Theron provides a wide variety of kingdom principle-based, spiritual and life-enriching training seminars at churches, businesses, other types of workplaces, private groups and functions and at religious and secular conferences. These seminars vary from three to six-hour training sessions.

Dr Kobus Theron provides Spirit-led and kingdom principle-based management consultations to individual leaders and managers and leadership groups of churches, ministries, business and other types of organisations. He specialises as a consultant in management decision-making, effective strategies and planning, new staff appointments and kingdom culture interventions. These consulting sessions can be done at the manager’s business premises, or via skype or phone.

Dr Kobus Theron provides Spirit-led and kingdom principle-based personal consultations to any individual, couple or family. He specialises as a private consultant in career consulting, marriage consulting, parental consulting, time management consulting, financial management consulting and personal spirituality. These personal consulting sessions can be done at Kobus’s private consulting room or via skype or phone.

Dr Kobus Theron presents and facilitates wonderful God Engaging Meetings (GEM) for church and secular workplace staff groups, church members’ meetings and for any other private group. He facilitates these GEM's at church premises, client office premises and private homes. A GEM is a group of people gathering for a specific, predetermined time period to engage with God through different activities, supervised by a GEM facilitator. The different activities that may be practised, include God-centred meditation, thanksgiving prayers, praise and worship songs, petitioning prayers, Scripture meditations, faith declarations and envisioning, and sharing and listening to short God-given messages.

Dr Kobus Theron also provides the opportunity for kingdom leaders to join the GK1 Leadership Alliance. The GK1 Alliance consists of five-fold ministers of God and secular kingdom leaders who officially joined the alliance and are committed to practise and uphold the GK1 Principles and to help achieve the GK1 Objectives in their spheres of influence. The GK1 Alliance members also have the privilege to advertise and network their services at no cost via our GK1 Leadership Alliance website and functions.

Dr Kobus Theron strongly believes that God still answers the prayers of His children; that miracles will occur where two or more agree in prayer by faith. He, therefore, loves to be involved in praying for people for God-given: salvation, work opportunities, strategies, provision, safety, healing, deliverance, and any other need or problem.