The Kingdom Way of Life
Seminar content: A 5-hour training seminar focusing on inspiring, equipping and empowering the student to practise Kingdom Living; the ultimate solution for human living; the ultimate narrow gate and way that leads to a successful, happy and everlasting life. Come and discover the true meaning of the kingdom of God, the gospel of the kingdom of God, the kingdom way of life, kingdom principles, the way to discern the voice and the will of God, and many other relevant kingdom truths.
Kingdom Leadership
Seminar content: A 6-hour seminar focusing on God’s kingdom way to lead and achieve any God-given team mission successfully. This teaching focuses mainly on: the gift of leadership, how to recognise the gift of leadership, defining a successful kingdom leader, the ten essential tasks of an effective and successful kingdom leader, and the kingdom way to fulfil these ten essential tasks of a kingdom leader.

Kingdom Marriage
Seminar content: A 6-hour seminar focusing on God’s kingdom way to build and uphold a long-lasting, successful and happy marriage. This teaching focuses mainly on how to apply the following major and essential kingdom principles in a marital relationship: KINGDOM LIVING (following God’s directional will, Spirit-led and enabled and kingdom principle-based), AND the other major kingdom principles of Love, Faith, Prayer, Service, Honesty, Positivity, Liberty, Order, Unity, Rest, Generosity, Perseverance and other subsidiary kingdom principles.

Kingdom Parenting
Seminar content: A 6-hour seminar focusing on God’s kingdom way to become successful parents; raising children that are practising Kingdom Living and who are experiencing long-lasting success and happiness in all of their life purposes and in every area of their lives. This teaching focuses mainly on how to apply the following major and essential kingdom principles as parents: KINGDOM LIVING (following God’s directional will, Spirit-led and enabled and kingdom principle-based), AND the other major kingdom principles of Love, Faith, Prayer, Service, Honesty, Positivity, Liberty, Order, Unity, Rest, Generosity, Perseverance and other subsidiary kingdom principles.

Kingdom Business
Seminar content: A 6-hour seminar focusing on God’s guaranteed kingdom way to build a long-lasting, successful kingdom business. This training seminar focuses mainly on: what is a kingdom business, the major benefits of a kingdom business, the major purposes of a kingdom business, God’s dream for kingdom businesses, and how to apply the following major and essential kingdom principles in a BUSINESS environment: KINGDOM LIVING (following God’s directional will, Spirit-led and enabled and kingdom principle-based), AND the other major kingdom principles of Love, Faith, Prayer, Service, Honesty, Positivity, Liberty, Order, Unity, Rest, Generosity, Perseverance and other subsidiary kingdom principles.

Kingdom Stress Management
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on God’s guaranteed kingdom way to manage your stress (anxiety) in an effective manner; preventing toxic stress levels and its destructive consequences and maintaining a life of optimum inner peace, calmness and rest in any circumstances.

Kingdom Five-Fold Ministers
Seminar content: A 5-hour seminar focusing on the unique calling and gifting of the five different types of kingdom ministers of God, namely the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. This teaching will clarify the meaning, the purpose and the power of each of these different types of kingdom ministers of God.

Discover your Kingdom Purpose
Seminar content: A 5-hour seminar focusing on God’s guaranteed kingdom way to discover your unique God-given seasonal calling and purpose in life. In other words, how to discover the career and work God has designed and called you to fulfil in every new season of your life.
The Kingdom Principle of Love
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of LOVE (compassion, care, and goodwill). It is most probably one of the most essential principles to achieve long-lasting success and happiness in every area of your personal life, and in every area of society. An essential key to unlocking a heavenly life on earth! One of the most powerful spiritual warfare weapons to resist and overcome the evil, one and his wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Faith
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of FAITH (faith in God and in His word and power). An essential principle and key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your relationship with God and in your career, marriage, parenting and social life, and in your physical, financial and material well-being. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare against the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Prayer
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of PRAYER (spending time privately and corporately connecting and engaging with God). An essential principle and key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your relationship with God and in your career, marriage, parenting and social life, and in your physical, financial and material well-being. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare against the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Service
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of SERVICE (meeting the reasonable needs and expectations of those you are called to help). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Honesty
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of HONESTY (being sincere, truthful and authentic). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your relationship with God and in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Positivity
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of POSITIVITY (thinking and speaking positively). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your relationship with God and in your career, marriage, parenting, physical, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Liberty
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of LIBERTY (freedom of choice regarding your personal life). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your relationship with God and in your career, marriage, parenting, physical, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Order
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of ORDER (adhering to and cooperating with righteous laws, rules, and functions). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare to resist and overcome the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Unity
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of UNITY (working together in peace and harmony). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Generosity
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of GENEROSITY (giving freely and generously of your resources to help others in need). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Rest
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of REST (taking sufficient time to rest and relax). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.
The Kingdom Principle of Perseverance
Seminar content: A 4-hour seminar focusing on the power and practice of this powerful life-enriching kingdom principle of PERSEVERANCE (never quitting from attempting to achieve your God-given dreams and objectives). An essential principle and a key to achieving long-lasting success and happiness in your career, marriage, parenting, financial, material and social life. Also a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare in resisting and overcoming the evil one and his evil, wicked schemes.

Subsidiary Kingdom Principle Seminars:
The Kingdom Principle of AUTHENTICITY
The Kingdom Principle of SEEKING ADVICE
The Kingdom Principle of DILIGENCE
The Kingdom Principle of GOAL SETTING
The Kingdom Principle of GRATITUDE
The Kingdom Principle of PURITY
The Kingdom Principle of SOBERNESS
The Kingdom Principle of WATCHFULNESS

Subsidiary Kingdom Principle Seminars:
The Kingdom Principle of REBIRTH
The Kingdom Principle of HUMILITY
The Kingdom Principle of EXAMPLE
The Kingdom Principle of PASSION
The Kingdom Principle of GIFTING
The Kingdom Principle of TEACHABILITY
The Kingdom Principle of EQUALITY
The Kingdom Principle of FORGIVENESS
The Kingdom Principle of ASSOCIATION